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Privacy Policy

SABELANI Music Initiative and Choral Singers Against GBVF! 
Are committed to protecting your privacy 


  • We collect the minimum amount of information about you for the sole purpose of processing your membership registration with SABELANI Music Initiative and Choral Singers Against GBVF!
    We are the sole owners of the information collected

  • We collect the minimum amount of information about your organisation for the processing of your credentials for the sole purpose of finalising business transactions
    We are the sole owners of the information collected

  • We only have access to the information which you voluntarily provide us via your online registration, email and/or any other direct contact and/or form of communication with SABELANI Music Initiative and Choral Singers Against GBVF! and yourself

  • We will use your information provided to us, to respond to you regarding your registration of membership and/or any business transaction between SABELANI Music Initiative and Choral Singers Against GBVF! and yourself

  • We will not sell, rent or share your information to any 3rd party outside of SABELANI Music Initiative and Choral Singers Against GBVF! 
    Should for whatever reason a member/company inform we are permitted to share their information with a 3rd party,
    SABELANI Music Initiative and Choral Singers Against GBVF! will require a letter in writing to this effect from the member/company
    Should the authorisation not be provided by the member/company, 
    SABELANI Music Initiative and Choral Singers Against GBVF! reserve the right to refuse your request

  • Members : ​When you submit your signed registration form along with the signed Contract and Code of Conduct you are also acknowledging that you have read and understood the terms of this Privacy Policy


  • Organisations : When you submit your information to us, we will understand you have read the terms of this Privacy Policy and are in agreement by submitting required information for the sole purpose of concluding business

Storage of Information :

  • All information which we gather is stored in our Database

  • Members information is deleted from our database should they leave our organisation.
    All other records which might be in our possession at the time of the member leaving are deleted from our records


  • Contractors and/or Organisations information is retained for the sole purpose of a financial transaction to be recorded for Tax purposes.
    This is recorded and stored in our online book-keeping program


  • When the mandatory required time of retaining records for the purpose of Internal Revenue Services is up, all records are deleted and/or destroyed from our records

  • Our appointed Deputy Information Officer (VP) is the only person in the organisation who has access to this information

© 2019 SABELANI Music Initiative NPC
All Rights Reserved

Organisation # : NPC 2019/187484/08

Made in South Africa
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